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Our Services

There has been a mechanical breakdown of the chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing platform. The machine has now been fixed and we are working through a backlog of results. You will still be contacted with your results although there will be a delay with some test results. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused.

SCCOT (Specialist Clinical Community Outreach Team)

The Specialist Clinical and Community Outreach Team (SCCOT) aims to meet the sexual health needs of young and/or vulnerable people, and to support colleagues and other professionals when providing sexual health care to these groups.

Are you a professional concerned about unintended pregnancy, contraception, child sexual exploitation, sexual assault or sexual health need of a service user?

SCCOT works across York and North Yorkshire to provide good sexual health to any person over the age of 13 who may need support to access sexual health care. 

We support people to access main clinic services and offer outreach services 

For more information or to discuss a referral please call 01904 724525

or e mail

Or complete the referral form below or on our Professionals page.

Or click here for more information about referrals. 

Would you consider the person to be young and/or at greater risk of sexual ill health, with unmet clinical sexual health needs?