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Our Services

There has been a mechanical breakdown of the chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing platform. The machine has now been fixed and we are working through a backlog of results. You will still be contacted with your results although there will be a delay with some test results. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused.


YorSexualHealth (YSH) runs a free and confidential counselling service for people living within North Yorkshire and York who wish to seek support around different aspects of sexual health.

How To Refer and Self-Referrals

You can be referred by a member of the YSH staff or you can contact us directly.  For counselling services only, our self-referral form can be found below. 

Our counsellors are experienced professionals, both in counselling and sexual health and are members of recognised professional associations.

Counselling Leaflet for Further Information

How to Access

This service is provided from locations across North Yorkshire and York, and is available to anyone living in those areas, irrespective of whether you have been previously registered with the YorSexualHealth service. We can offer up to 7 appointments and sessions can be provided face to face, by video link, or telephone call.  Please see our information on counselling services for more details. 

Feedback for Counselling

We are always striving to improve our services; to leave feedback please go to York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - YorSexualHealth You Said We Did (

Please watch the video below for further information on our counselling service:

Sexual Health Counselling Self Referral Form

YorSexualHealth (YSH) runs a free and confidential counselling service for people living within North Yorkshire and York who wish to seek support around different aspects of sexual health.

Our counsellors are experienced professionals, both in counselling and sexual health and are members of recognised professional associations.

This service is provided from locations across North Yorkshire and York, and is available to anyone living in those areas, irrespective of whether they have been previously registered with the YorSexualHealth service.

Please note, we are not commissioned to deliver counselling for psychosexual type issues e.g. erectile dysfunction, vaginismus, pain during sex etc. In these instances, you may wish to speak to your GP or access a service such as Relate.

Can we leave a voicemail?

Can we send you a text message?

Can we leave a voicemail?

What towns/geographical areas are you able to get to?

Please tick area of preference

(It may be possible to arrange counselling elsewhere in NY where travel and access are difficult for you?)

Do you consider yourself to have any special needs or disabilities?

If yes, please could you give brief details if possible?

If you have a strong prefence to see a male or female counsellor this can be arranged:

Thank you for taking the time to complete the online referral form. Once submitted you should receive a reply within 5 working days. For any queries, please telephone the YorSexualHealth Counselling Service booking line on: 01904 725444