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If you are LGBTQ+, it's just as important for you as for anyone else to use NHS services to keep yourself healthy.

If you feel able to, it's a good idea to tell your doctor or nurse if you're LGBTQ+. If we know about your sexuality, sexual preferences and any genital surgery, it's easier to discuss your life, relationships and health concerns. We can also keep an eye out for any health problems relevant to you.

Although LGBTQ+ people share the same health needs as heterosexuals and cisgender people, there are some important differences.

LGBTQ+ people may be less likely to have screening and testing. This could be because of fear of discrimination, or because they simply don't think they're at risk.

Our sexual health services are committed to providing a friendly and professional service to everyone, regardless of gender or sexuality.

When you attend a clinic you do not have to give any personal information about your sexuality to the receptionist.

Our clinic has a mixed waiting area and our treatment rooms are not gender specific.

Our Specialist Clinical and Community Outreach Team (SCCOT) offers services to LGBTQ+ people in York and North Yorkshire including confidential HIV testing, free condoms and lubricant, 1-2-1 support and support groups.

We are running STI testing drop-ins for men who are gay, bisexual, or have sex with men in Northallerton. Please click here for further information and to view the dates that these are running.Β 

To learn more, please click on the drop-downs below:


PrEP is a medication that can prevent you from acquiring HIV if you take it correctly. It is readily available free of charge from our service. For more information about PrEP, including how to take it correctly, click here.

You can get PrEP for free if you are a:

HIV negative man who has condomless anal sex with other men.

HIV negative person who is having condomless sex with partners who are HIV positive.

HIV negative trans woman who has been identified as being at elevated risk of HIV acquisition through condomless sex.


Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is an anti-HIV medication that is prescribed to a HIV negative person within 72 hours of potential exposure to HIV. Ideally it should be started within 24 hours. It needs to be taken for 28 days. A&E departments are able to start PEP when the clinic is closed.

PEP is recommended if there is a greater than 1 in 1000 chance of catching HIV. PEP is not recommended for human bites, discarded needlestick injury, or oral sex. For other situations we offer a discussion of risks versus benefits for taking PEP.

PEP is more effective the sooner it is taken, so please call our central booking line on 01904 721111 to attend the clinic for a discussion if you think you need it or attend A&E when the clinic is closed.


We offer the following vaccinations within our service:

  • Hep A and B
  • HPV (available for those 45 and under)

Hepatitis A, B, and C are infections that affect the liver. Hepatitis A is associated with rimming and faecal transmission. Hepatitis B and C can be passed on through unprotected sex or sharing drug taking equipment. You can get tested for Hepatitis B and C at YorSexualHealth. We can also give you your Hepatitis A and B vaccinations if you are at risk of catching them through sex. There is no vaccine for Hepatitis C. Find out more about Hepatitis B and C by watching this video:


HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is an STI that is spread by skin to skin contact. Certain types can lead to anal, penile or throat cancer. If you are a man who has sex with other men aged 15-45, you can get vaccinated for HPV at YorsexualHealth.


The earlier you are diagnosed with HIV, the sooner you can start on medication.

HIV medications are so good that you should be able to live a long and healthy life. Someone who is on effective HIV medication can't pass it on (undetectable=untransmittable).

It’s important to get tested for HIV regularly so that you can catch it early and start treatment. Click here to find out more about our support services for people living with HIV.


Ongoing monitoring, vaccination and screening and treatment for STIs is freely available to help keep you healthy.

Men who have sex with men are also particularly at risk of catching syphilis. It can be passed on through direct skin contact with someone who has a syphilis rash or sores, or through unprotected sex.

It is diagnosed with a blood test and is treated using antibiotics. It develops in three stages, each of which have different symptoms. For more information about this, watch this video:



Wearing condoms significantly reduces the risk of STI and HIV transmission.

Make sure you’re doing it right, for more information on how to use a condom properly, click here.

Remember to use water based lube. Oil based lubes weaken condoms and can cause them to break.


If you are concerned about your chemsex use or just want to talk to us about safer use, call us on 01904 721111 to book a virtual appointment for a free confidential chat with one of our nurses.

Click here to go to the 56 Dean Street website for further information on chemsex. 

Sexual Health for Women who have Sex with Women

Women who have sex with women are generally at lower risk from STIs, but low risk doesn't mean no risk, so it's still important to look after your sexual health. Any one-on-one contact, such as oral sex or using the same hand when touching yourself and then your partner, or even sharing sex toys can put you at risk.

The most effective way to make oral sex with a vagina safer is to use an oral sex dam, which is a very thin, soft plastic square used to cover the genitals during oral sex.

If you are using sex toys, you can prevent the transmission of STIs by covering it with a new condom each time you have sex (particularly between different partners) and using water based lube. Oil based lube can cause the condom to break It is important to clean your sex toys between sessions. How to do this will depend on what it is made of and if it used batteries or has parts that can’t be washed. Sex toys come with advice on how to clean them so it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. If your sex toys can be washed, you need to wash them thoroughly with warm water and soap after each use.

STIs can be passed on through inserting fingers and hands into your partner (especially if you have any cuts on your hands) or by touching yourself and then your partner. This can be prevented by wearing latex gloves for digital penetration. Never re-use the gloves- use a new pair of gloves each time you have sex and use plenty of water based lube. If you are not using latex gloves, it is important you wash your hands before or after sex, particularly between touching yourself and touching your partner and vice versa.

Sexual Health for Trans People

Trans: an umbrella term used when someone’s gender identity does not match their sex that was assigned at birth. Trans identities can fit within the binary (female or male) or outside of it. There is a whole spectrum of non-binary gender identities.

Non-Binary: someone who does not define as either a man or a woman.

Trans people’s health needs are the same as anyone else’s. Gender identity is different from sexual orientation and trans people can identify as straight, gay, bisexual, queer or any other sexuality. However, they might have specific health needs in relation to gender dysphoria or gender reassignment, realignment or confirmation.

Your particular needs might be best addressed by transgender health services offered by NHS gender identity clinics. For more information, click here. If you think that this might be a good option for you, talk to your GP because they will be able to make a referral for an assessment.

Transitioning is a very personal experience and there is no “right” way to do it. This may involve surgery, but it doesn’t have to. It can just involve changing your gender expression through the way you look or changing your pronouns. Some Trans people don’t transition at all. Don’t feel pressured into transitioning in a certain way- do what’s right for you.

Going to a sexual health clinic can be daunting. Be reassured that Yorsexual health will provide you with an inclusive, understanding and friendly service, regardless of your gender identity.

PrEP is a medication that can prevent you from catching HIV if it’s taken correctly. You can access PrEP free and confidential through any of our clinics.

Click here for "I want to know more about PrEP" and click here for "I might have been exposed to HIV in the last 72 hours".

Support for Trans People

NHS Trans health:


Safer sex for trans bodies:

Non binary resources:

Trans health, Gendered Intelligence: 

Contact Us

Call our booking line 01904 721111 to book an appointment 

If you are under 17 years old you can text or call 07973775692

For information about where our clinics are please follow this link YorSexualHealth - Clinic Information