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Sexual Health Information

There has been a mechanical breakdown of the chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing platform. The machine has now been fixed and we are working through a backlog of results. You will still be contacted with your results although there will be a delay with some test results. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Sexual Health Information

If you think that you have come into contact with HIV in the last 72 hours please click here

If you think that you have come into contact with HIV over 72 hours ago please call 01904 721111 to discuss the earliest time to do a reliable test.

If you think you have come into contact with any other infection then you might need to have treatment. Alternatively, it might be better to test and wait for your results. Please call 01904 721111 to discuss the best option. You can also click here to order a STI testing postal kit online. 

If your current sexual partner has had a positive test result and is being treated please call 01904 721111 for an appointment or see our Clinics and Services page for appointment times.

There are no routine tests available on the NHS for herpes or genital warts. If you think you have come into contact with either of these infections please check the skin on your genitals for signs or symptoms. If there is something new that you are not sure about call 01904 721111 for an appointment or see our Clinics and Services page for appointment times.