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There has been a mechanical breakdown of the chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing platform. The machine has now been fixed and we are working through a backlog of results. You will still be contacted with your results although there will be a delay with some test results. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused.


Free condoms

Condoms, when used correctly, are a really good way to protect yourself against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV, and pregnancy.

Free condoms are available in North Yorkshire and York through our condom distribution scheme.

Make sure you are familiar with how to use and dispose of a condom safely.

There are other forms of contraception available which you may choose to use alongside condoms to prevent pregnancy.

Free and confidential STI and HIV tests are available through YorSexual Health if unprotected sex has occurred.

Vaccination against Hepatitis B is recommended for people who are particularly at risk of catching it sexually. For example, this includes sex workers and men who have sex with men.

If a condom breaks:

  • Consider PEP if you think you may have had sex with someone who has HIV. PEP is a free medication that you can get from a Sexual Health clinic or A&E that may stop you getting HIV as long as you start it within 72 hours of exposure (the sooner the better).
  • Consider emergency contraception if you are not using any other form of contraception or are worried that you have not used it properly. Seek advice as quickly as possible.

Handy hints for safer sex:

  • Sexually transmitted infections can sometimes be passed on through unprotected oral sex or intimate sexual contact with a partner. STI testing is recommended if you’ve had any unprotected sex.
  • Dental dams can be used as a barrier between the mouth and vulva (female genital area) or mouth and anus during oral sex.
  • Keep sex toys clean and avoid sharing them – you can use a condom with them too.

Under 16s

If you are under 16, you can obtain free condoms by texting or calling our young person's mobile on 07973775692. We can arrange for a nurse to text or call you back and explain how to collect condoms. Condoms are also available at all of our clinics, please ask reception or the clinician you see for more information. You can get condoms free of charge from your college, sixth form, or university if they are signed up to our Condom Distribution Scheme, please ask one of your pastoral leads.

Over 16s

If you need condoms to protect against STIs and/or pregnancy our free online Condom Distribution Scheme is open to anyone living in York or North Yorkshire. If you have specific requirements that are not covered on the form below, please email

For more information about condoms please click here

Click here to watch video about how to use a condom

Please complete the form below if you wish to order free condoms 

Please answer a few questions so that we can work out how best to help you:

Sorry, we can only supply condoms online to people living in North Yorkshire or York. Free condoms are available to anyone attending our open access sexual health clinics. Online condoms are available to men who have sex with men, young LGBT and people from African Communities through our Community Outreach Team Mesmac

Condom PreferenceNumber Required
Regular fit (comfy fit)
Snug fit (tighter fit)
Magnum (large)
Lubricant sachets

* Up to 10 condoms / lubricant sachets per month are available through our online service

Please note: If you have been advised that you have a latex allergy Latex Free condoms are available from all of our clinics

If you have a latex allergy you will need to attend a clinic to pick up the condoms as proof of allergy is required.

Please note it can take up 5 to 10 working days for your order to arrive