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Remove my implant

An implant can be left in place for three years. It can be taken out sooner if you decide you want to stop using it.

If you want the implant removing due to problematic bleeding or side effects:

Bleeding is common in the first three months after the implant has been inserted and may settle without treatment.

If the bleeding is problematic and continues sometimes a pill may be taken along-side the implant to regulate the bleeding.

Keeping a menstrual diary can be useful to record your bleeding pattern.

It is important to rule out other possible causes of bleeding such as a sexually transmitted infection. If you have had a new sexual partner since your last sexual health screen then you could be at risk or having a sexually transmitted infection. You can order a free home testing kit by clicking here

If you are having adverse side effects with the the implant or your STI test results came back negative and the bleeding continues please call 01904 721111 to discuss further with a nurse.

If you would like an Implant removal to conceive:

Please click here for pre-conception information.

If would would like your Implant removed and to start a different method of contraception:

Please have a clear idea of which method of contraception you would like to switch to. You can view all your contraceptive choices by clicking here.

When you attend your appointment the clinician will take your medical history and discuss which methods will be suitable for you. Some methods of contraception may not be recommended.

Removal procedure:

The implant removal procedure is generally very straightforward. It involves a small injection of local anesthetic into the skin at the implant site. Once the area is numb a small blade is used to make an incision in the skin and the implant will be removed.

In some cases the implant can be a little deep and the removal more difficult, in this case your implant may need to be removed by a specialist practitioner using an ultrasound machine.

Once the implant is removed, a small dressing will be applied and you will be advised to keep the area clean and dry for a couple of days.

Removing the contraceptive implant | NHS

Preparation checklist:

Before you attend your appointment for the removal of your implant, please make sure that you can answer yes to the following statements:

  • I have read the information about the implant removal
  • I understand that I could take the pill alongside the implant to regulate irregular bleeding
  • I have ordered a sexually transmitted infection home screening test, if I am at risk of an infection.
  • I understand that I may have significant bruising after the procedure and a small scar.
  • I understand that there is a small risk of infection after the procedure and will seek medical advice if the implant site becomes red, hot and swollen.
  • I understand my fertility will return straight away
  • I understand that if I would like to change to a different method of contraception at the appointment I have a good idea of the method I would like to start.

Information for under 18s:

During the consultation you will be asked some additional questions regarding your social circumstances, for example which school you go to and who you are living with. All our consultations are confidential.  We will only share information about you if we think you or someone else is at risk. If information is shared, it is with services that can support you

Booking your appointment:

Call YSH booking line on 01904 721111 to arrange an appointment for the removal of your implant

  • Please allow at least 45 minutes for the appointment.

YSH is a training service. This means there may sometimes be a qualified nurse or doctor in training working alongside the YSH practitioner at your appointment.