4th September 2024
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Cervical Screening (Smears) Available Through YorSexual Health
People are eligible for cervical screening if they have a cervix and are aged between 25 and 64. It is important that you are registered with a GP and you should have received a letter inviting you to book a cervical screening test. If it has been longer than 3 years since your last test, or you know you are overdue, or you are between the ages of 25 and 64, have a cervix, and have never had a test, then you can book an appointment with your GP practice or sexual health service.
Appointments are available at most of our sexual health services across York and North Yorkshire. (Monkgate York, Selby Hospital, The Mulberry Unit, Northway in Scarborough, Malton Hospital, Sexual Health at Harewood Medical practice and Mowbray House GP practice in Northallerton)
You can contact our booking line on 01904 721111.