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Our Services

We’re running a cervical screening walk-in and wait clinic from 4:00pm - 7:00pm on Thursday 16th May in Selby Hospital. - Click here for more information.

Specialist Sexual Health Services (SSHS) Referral Form

In North Yorkshire and York we are not commissioned to deliver: Genital Skin problems other than sexually transmitted infections, Erectile Dysfunction management, Vulvodynia management, Smears (other than opportunistic), Recurrent Thrush and BV management and Testicular pain-none STI related. IUS for heavy menstrual bleeding - please note that YorSexualHealth is only commissioned to fit coils for contraceptive purposes, not for gynecological reasons. Patients attending YSH clinics requesting an IUS who do not require contraception will be referred to their GP.

For telephone advice call our Clinical Support Team on 01904 725444 or 725440.

We will respond to a referral within 24-48 hours Monday-Friday.

Anyone who requires support in a time sensitive way for example an emergency coil or PEP should be referred by phone 01904 725440

We will respond to a referral within 24-48 hours Monday-Friday

Anyone who requires support in a time sensitive way for example an emergency coil or PEP should be referred by phone 01904 725440